A drunk domestic abuser from the Isle of Wight has been spared jail, but was given a "last warning" by a judge.

Glen Millmore, of Gate Lane, Freshwater, appeared at the Isle of Wight Crown Court on Friday, May 10.

He previously pleaded guilty to one charge of assault by beating on January 19, relating to a domestic incident on November 6, 2023.

Court heard how Millmore was "heavily in drink" at the time of the offence, which happened at an address in Ryde.

Recorder Malcolm Gibney said Millmore had "come before court too many times" and said he initially took the view that he needed a period of custody.

But, as the case had already been heard by another judge on a different occasion, he agreed to give a "last warning".

Millmore was given a 12 month community order.

He was also ordered to carry out 30 rehabilitation act requirement days and 75 hours of unpaid work.